Friday, January 24, 2014

Google Is Dead/Branching Out

     Well, Google went down today. That was fun. For a minute there, I was going to have to use spotify or some similar service to play music, but music is working, G+ is still being cray cray. No coffee for me today, I might make a tea at some point. I'm trying to stop depending on caffeine. This sudden halt to most of Google's services has made me realize that I depend on Google too much.  I need to branch out my dependencies so that when a service goes down, I won't go with it. I've got a Creedence Clearwater Revival radio going and missing my coffee already. I'm here at the house getting stuff done and ready to plug in and plug away!

     I've started some HTML5 lessons alongside my JavaScript lessons
I know that .js, HTML, and CSS go hand in hand in hand. So, I did this lesson series. It's pretty short and easy. HTML is short and easy for the basic stuff I need it for. Though, I do have some HTML5 game ideas floating around. 
But, that's enough HTML for now.

     It seems that the dev channel on my Chromebook didn't like Code Academy. I switched to the beta channel and I no longer have cursor issues. So, until the next dev update, I'm staying on beta. I'm still working on <while> loops and such. Not much more to go, so let's get this going!

     ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment What? ugh... I keep getting this. Darn Reference errors... Well I figured it out. I was doing a for loop wrong, but not wrong enough to get a red thingie on the left of the editor. The <do/while> loops are pretty nifty. The name of the variable that I'm working with is called getToDaChoppa. Can't say they don't have a sense of humor.

     Hey, look at that! I passed the lesson review first time around! That doesn't happen too often. Looks like these studies are actually helping me out here. This is a good note to end the week on. I'll be starting on a dragon-slaying minigame next time. See y'all next time!