Monday, March 10, 2014

Links to the past/Linux, Baby!

     In the grand wisdom that is Codecadamy, I did and also did not finish the JavaScript course. Turns out they have two courses, and the second one is only half way through by the end of the first one. So, that was slightly disheartening. I got over it in typical heroic fashion. I'm afraid I don't have much for y'all today. I was busy putting Crouton onto my Pixel. Gotta love that xfce sweetness. Now I have the Sublime text editor of awesome and Brackets for HTML/CSS because it does live preview. There's a Chrome ext. called Tailor, and it's a port of brackets, but I didn't have any success with it on ChromeOS. Then again, I'm on the dev channel, that might be why. So, that's what I was up to today. Getting all the things done. I did do some more .js, so that's a bonus. The first is a retrospective. I happened to see some of my code from a few months ago, and it was interesting to me in the ways the that the format had changed. I saw this:

var isEven = function(n)
    if (n % 2 === 0)
        return true;
        return false;

The way that I would do it(if I was to use an <if/else> and not a ternary operator) it would look like this:
var isEven = function(n){
         return true;
         return false;

I never realized hov spread out my code was. Yes, I know it acn be more compact, but this is the easiest way for me to read it.

     The other thing we have is this:

//using typeof in <for/in> loop to print what we want.

var languages = {
    english: "Hello!",
    french: "Bonjour!",
    notALanguage: 4,
    spanish: "Hola!"

// print hello in the 3 different languages
for (var i in languages){
    if(typeof languages[i]==="string"){

     How cool is that?? using a <for-in> loop and the <typeof> method, we're able to print out just what we want and ignore the rest. That could be super useful. Ok. Well kids, this a rather short post today, but fret not mein Kinder, ther will be plenty for you on Wednesday! See y'all!
