Monday, March 24, 2014

Embed The Fact That I Finished

     I have made it back for another week! Not that I went far. I did venture out into meatspace a few times. Don't worry, I have virus protection (read Kleenex) and no one got hurt. The cool news is that I finished the XHTML/CSS section of the class! Now it's onto .js! I've been using Sublime Text 2 on the XFCE partition on my Chromebook and it's been so nice to use it, but Brackets has proven itself great when it comes te HTML/CSS so I think I'll use Sublime Text 2 mainly, but if I have something that is just HTML/CSS then it'll totally be Brackets. On Wednesday, expect some .js. Today I don't have Grooveshark going(such shock!!) Instead I'm listening to a live-stream of one of my favorite radio stations. Listener-supported FTW! I already had my coffee(French-press of awesome!) and the music is going so it's time to plug in and plug away!


      Today the first thing we're going to start off with some easy stuff; templates, and CMS's. CMS stands for Content Management System. That's a fancy way of saying pre-made website. CMS's are sometimes a good thing to use if you just want to create something really quickly, or it's a simple website for just a few things, and you don't think that you're going to be changing a lot, for example, a blog. There are a lot of free ones out there, but they aren't always the best, because; they are usually limiting, they're pretty much a template that lets you cheat. is a good place to go to check some of them out. Something I forgot to cover in the forms section, is the <label> it is used to identify elements inside a form, but really you can use it any time you want, but it seems it's handy in that type of thing.

     Now we get to the embedding section. Embedding is pretty much just like linking, it just creates its own little space that shows whatever you're trying to link to. Here is an example of YouTube:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

 The way you get the embed code, you just go to the 'share' section of the video, and either use the code right there, or select a size or do a custom size (the size can always be changed in the editor) and put the code where you wont it. One thing you have to know about this is that YouTube changed its code requirements, but of course their embed code didn't change. So, you have to add an http: in front of the //www. in the src. Even though it's a video and not text,  use text-align to  align it how you want.

     Google maps looks a little different now that they've taken the new Maps out of Beta(it looks so good on my Pixel's screen), you just click on the settings gear and you'll have the option to embed and all the things you need.
 With Twitter, you have to click on the three dots and it gives you embed. Twitter has a lot of way to embed. Go here for all the info about how to do widgets and all the things you can do with Twitter.

A little pro-tip for when you're working on creating your website:
Keep your different file types in their own folders/sections makes it easier to manage things and remember to save periodically. That way it's just easier to manage.

We have discussed the different types of things you can do to a link before, but there's an order to them so that they don't cancel each other out or cause some hinkery that gets annoying fast. When you do the active, visited, hover, link tags on a link  make sure to have them in this order: link, visited, hover, active. That way you can have different colors for different activities, and they won't overwrite themselves. You don't have to use any/all of them if you don't want to.

Last, but not least, we have the favicon. The favicon is the little picture that shows up in the tab. Sometimes it's just a piece of paper with a folded corner. That usually means that they didn't set up a favicon. The best place to get one is to go here. You can upload any image, and it will give you a favicon in .ico and .gif form. The .gif just scrolls constantly. If you use that, I will judge you.
The way to implement it is like this:
<link href="images/fav.ico" rel="shortcut icon"></link>

You just put it by your meta tags and your CSS tag at the top in the head.

And that's it for today! Today(3/24/2014) at 7:06pm I finished the XHTML/CSS section. Only took ten days! Whoo!! I powered right through it! Which just means I'll slam right into .js tomorrow. I'm sure that makes some of you happy. See y'all on Wednesday!


Friday, March 21, 2014

Comment All The Input Types!

     Hey, it's Friday!!! Whoo! I'm here at the coffee shop(I've been here all day) and raring to go! I've had two coffees, so I'm totally on a caffeine/sugar high. Today I bring the gift of moar HTML/CSS. Yay, right? Well, maybe. I actually did some pretty fun stuff. I figured out that if I do five lessons a day on the weekdays, I should be finished this class in two months. So, the minimum is five a day. The music that I'm playing is, of course, Grooveshark. I'm playing a playlist of some of my favorites. Which is fun, for me. Not everyone is a fan of 8-bit music. I've had my coffee, my music is playing, it's time to plug in and plug away!


      Today, we have a few things relating to forms. Such as multiple options or drop-down menus. First up is the drop-down menu:

        <option value = "red">red</option>
        <option value = "blue">blue</option>
        <option value = "yellow">yellow</option>
        <option value = "green">green</option>
First, you have the HTML <select> tags. and then inside of them you have the <option> you can make them be whatever you want, but make sure that the value and the element that gets shown (the word between the >< tags) are the same that way when you use JavaScript that will take those as variable, or something, you will be able to tell what goes with what. And it just makes for clearer code, which is something you always want. The only thing you besides clear code, is comments. COMMENT ALL THE THINGS! You might think you know your code, and it's easy to understand, but wait a few weeks and you can get so lost! So, always always always comment! This message brought to you by the entire coding community.

Next we have the text input area. Again, this will later be used by JavaScript. The instructor has promised that it will get fun with this once .js gets involved. This one is even simpler than the option tags. You just write this:

<textarea name = "comments" rows = "3" cols = "30">

The rows = downward size, and cols(columns) = rightward size. It is naturally anchored on the left side, but of course, you can position it. This would be useful for anything where you want them to write out a free-of-restrictions response, or something the . js can react to.

After that you get these guys. They're all in the same element form, but they all look different. They're called input types and the code looks like this:

<input type = "text" name = "werfwerf" value = "username here, please!"/>

Always make sure to have the <form> tags around the inputs. Let me break this down for you; you have the type, which in this case is text, and this would be applied to something like an email address. Something where it would be necessary to have them write the response, but it's just one line, or in a similarly short fashion. The name, is just the title for the input, it can be anything you want, or it can be the username you're looking for. the value is what would be shown in the text area. Here's an image of what the above code would look like:

Notice how the value is shown in the text box. A list of all the "type"s:
text = text input area.
button = button such as 'submit' or 'click here!'
radio = select between different things such as are you: male, female etc. <-- you can only select one.
checkbox = A...checkbox.<-- you can select as many as you want.
And last, but not least we have:
password = Put in text and it will show asterisks, or something similar. (******) used for... passwords. Duh.
That is all for today, folks! I'm going to go enjoy some daylight! It's almost 6:00pm and it's still light out! Crazy! And that's the last time I'll mention it. Don't need to be one of those people that points it out once a week! See y'all on Monday!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Links And Links!

     Well, it's Wednesday, and I'm late. Again. The fun part is I learned some things, and my website is actually coming along nicely! The other day, I showed my gf +Briana McCarty the code of what I'm working on. She was all, I don't know what this means, but it looks cool. I was like psh. Same here, but then she said that I wouldn't have been able to do most of this just a few months ago. And I realized that was totally true! I had like a mental slap in the face. I realized I had done most of the website with no guidance, or they would say do something, and I would know how to do it without looking at the demo. Le gf probably doesn't know any of this, because I was so tired I don't think I physically reacted. Anyhoo, the moral(AKA TL;DR) is that I actually  have come a long way, and maybe don't suck at this as much I think I do! Olé...? Maybe. I just need to keep plugging away! I did about five hours yesterday, and looked up and it was  7:00pm time just flies while I study. Which is one of the reasons this is so late. So, while I didn't learn too much, I did get some cool stuff. I have Grooveshark a-going, so it's time to plug in and plug away!


      The first thing up is font-weight. This is a CSS tag, and I can't believe that I haven't used it before. Now, this is actually more complex than it appears. Unlike some CSS tags, the title that goes to the right of the colon has more than just one or two options. So, as I do when it can be a wall of text, go to Mozilla and they have all the goods that you need.

      Next up! The wonderful attributes for links! Usually you have a{ some code} and that tells the CSS how to style the links, but you can also do some sweet sweet CSS magic to make the links react to things like being clicked on and such. Here are some examples that I will then tell you about:
a:active {

     The titles are pretty easy to understand. a:example means that anything with 'a' in the tag is going to have this applied to it. Which of course, means that a link will have it applied to because, as I'm sure you're aware, a link in HTML looks like this: <a href = ""></a> and since that 'a' is all alone, it's our target! Hover is when the mouse hovers over the link, visited is when the link has been visited, and active is when you click on it. See? pretty easy.

And now, I'm going to hit you with some links because I need sleep, but you need to read more.

First, this one has FREE(legal) programming related books that you can download:

This one is free .js books. See? said that I would have more. Here ya go:

For those of you that need to know thirty different things all at once that would be great to have on a laminated pamphlet, there is this:

For a more advanced .js blog, this guy has some great stuff:

Not only is this one funny, in a cussy sort of way, it's also pretty useful with the knowledge gainingness:

And here's music to listen to while you do some light reading:!/writhem/broadcast

     With that amazing link dump, I am out! Here's to hoping the Friday post is done earlier! See y'all then!


Monday, March 17, 2014

Yeesh In A New Tab!

     Yeesh! This is sooo late! I did a lot of things today; it was crazy! I reeeaaalllyy wanted to say that I didn't feel good and that it's St. Patrick's day, but that was just an excuse, and those things suck when the next day shows up and you realize you didn't do what you were supposed to. Today, I'm working on a HTML/CSS project with Udemy.  It's actually pretty neat, you can make "websites" and use files on your computer to move around. Like, contact, home, and whatnot. Obviously, no coffee. It's almost 11pm... But, I've got Groovshark going, with the instructional videos cutting in every now and again. So, it's time to plug in and plug away!


     Yup, a website! The coolest things that I learned shall be brought forth into the light of your computer! First up is opening something in a new tab. I love it when a website opens something that I might just be checking out, but isn't a main feature, in a new tab. What you put is this:

<a target = "_blank">

  and that's it! It's super easy! And so freakin useful! Good thing I know about that now!    

 Next up is the redirect. If you want to show a warning, a statement, you don't want people to hang around, you use this! You set the time that the computer will wait, and then boom! Redirect!

 <meta http-equiv = "Refresh" content  = "12; url ="/>

 The number '12' refers to how long you want the client to wait before they go to the url.
     The next thing up is how to have a link go to a specific page on your website. Let's say you have a long article, and you want to be able to point out a certain area. Using this will open the link scrolled down to the area that you want them to see. You see this employed in FAQs and READMEs all the time.
     You give the section you want to go to with a tag like this: <a name = "example_name">

And then to call it, you use tags like this: <a href ="Example_page#example_name">Example</a>

Also, a good place to see a lot of other tags is to go here and just cruise around. It's w3; if you don't know what that is, look it up. Definitely worth knowing.

I just looked at the HTML version of this article. That was cray cray. Turns out it IS a good idea to do the html title thing in HTML because then you don't end up with a looott of completely unnecessary spans and divs. Anyhoo, back to the subject at... mouse? Not too sure what to call it when it's online.
The only thing left is: the different ways to call CSS, because; there's more than one way to do that! crazy, right? But, instead of me telling you, I'll let this guy do a better job than I could!

SO! That's going to do it for today, folks. I know, no .js. But never fear! I shall have some! At some point. I'm working with the HTML right now, but the class will be bringing in .js and PHP and some other cool stuff, so don't go crazy. I'll have some when I get some. See y'all on Wednesday!


Friday, March 14, 2014

All-In-One Flip!

     There's new things! Olé! Well, new(ish). The other day I sort of had a break through. I'm still figuring out if it was good or bad, but that's not too big a deal. I was perusing the internet, as is my wont, and found many amazing places that do .js bootcamps, tests, free books. Many amazing things! And what they all told me is that I have seen a lot of lessons, but haven't really retained as much as I should. Which is sad. So, to combat this, I'm going to start creating stupid little program that use all the things I should know. The main problem is, I know what they are, I know what they do, but I haven't used them in anything besides following instructions. So, I'm going to create some small script things, and figure things out! So, what you'll see on here is stuff I came up with, if it's overtly simplistic, that's because (as the title says) I'm a total newb. I don't have any problems with that, but I don't want to be a total newb for too long. That would mean I'm not learning anything. Which would be sad. For today, I'm going to do the .js, HTML and the CSS all on one thing. I know! Crazy, right? I found a couple lines of code that make text flip around. If Blogger was able to use CSS as well as HTML I would show you and it would be awesome! But, instead, we shall look over the code in this all in one special! It's a Friday, so I'm at the coffee shop, I've had my coffee, Grooveshark is going, time to plug in and plug away!


      The first thing we need to do is look at the code, obviously. So, here's the HTML: 
    <title>Hey, wassup.</title>
    <script type = "text/javascript" src = "script.js"><!--script for the .js -->

    <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "thing.css"/>
      <!-- put whatever you want to here. -->
<p>Hey, this is a line of text with a border!</p>

<div class="flip-container" ontouchstart="this.classList.toggle('hover');">
    <div class="flipper">
        <div class="front">
            <!-- front content --><span>Hey,</span>
        <span class="back">
            <!-- back content --><span>do you even <a href = ""><g>G</g><o>o</o><t>o</t><h>g</h><l>l</l><e>e</e></a>, bro?</span>

Not exactly the cleanest layout, but it does some pretty nifty stuff! The thing with the bunch of tags in a row spells out Google and the CSS makes it turn into the Google colors. A little touch of fun, you know?
Speaking of CSS, here's the CSS:

    clear: both;
    text-align: center;
    border-radius: 50%;
    border: 10px solid black;



    color: blue;
    color: red;
    color: yellow;
    color: blue;
    color: green;

/* entire container, keeps perspective */
.flip-container {
    perspective: 1000;
    /* flip the pane when hovered */
    .flip-container:hover .flipper, .flip-container.hover .flipper {
        transform: rotateY(180deg);

.flip-container, .front, .back {
    width: 320px;
    height: 480px;

/* flip speed goes here */
.flipper {
    transition: 0.6s;
    transform-style: preserve-3d;

    position: relative;

/* hide back of pane during swap */
.front, .back {
    backface-visibility: hidden;

    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

/* front pane, placed above back */
.front {
    z-index: 2;

/* back, initially hidden pane */
.back {
    transform: rotateY(180deg);

The code s commented quite nicely so that you may understand it easily. The basic idea is that it's activated by the mouse and once you go below the div, it flips over. 

Now, if you noticed, which I'm sure you did, there was this:  

<script type = "text/javascript" src = "script.js"><!--script for the .js -->

Which my comment tells you about. Yesterday I found something I probably should have known about a looonnngg time ago!

It writes to the, you guessed it, the document! Whoo!
So, today, I just did a simple line of text, and a FizzBuzz, because those are fun:

document.write("&nbsp;Hey this is a thing, now! You can write with .js! <br />\
 and have it print out to the webpage.<br /> I knew that was a thing. <br />\
 I just couldn't find it till now!<br />");

 for(var i =1; i<=71; i++){
        document.write("FizzBuzz <br />");
      }else if(i%3===0){
        document.write("Fizz <br />");
      }else if(i%5===0){
        document.write("Buzz <br />");
        document.write(i + "<br />");

Also, notice the fact that both &nbsp; and <br /> are used in the .js text. Yup, that's right folks, you can use those HTML elements in .js text. Pretty nifty, if I do say. 

     All of this texts makes for a pretty lackluster page with a spinning dealie on it. Told you the scripts were going to be stupid. Expect better each time! Well, that's what I'm hoping. Next time I'm going for a better looking page with more spinning and motion!!
See y'all on Monday!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Internet, I failed you.

Dear internet,

     I have failed you. I got nothing done today. I should have been able to, but I overslept and missed my window of opportunity. And then I got distracted... typical terrible day for me here. I then had to drive all over. Now I'm in Dallas hoping to get some studies done.  Also, today is the birthday of the internet! Yay me for failing it on its birthday... But, in lieu of nothing .js/HTML/CSS to write about, I thought I'd write about my beginning experiences with the internet and its included technology. Basically a copy pasta from G+ that I did earlier today, plus a few flourishes. Here goes:

     I was born the same year as the internet, but my birthday is not until November, so I'm not one of the cool people that was born today twenty five years ago. Unlike a lot of people my age, I remember the first time I heard about the internet. The main reason for this is that my family didn't have internet or even a computer till the year 2002-2003 before that we had to go to the library to access the internet. I was about seven the first time I heard about the internet from my oldest sister. She told me about how I needed to go to the big blue E(IE) and then type in and then from there I could search for things. I didn't really do much for a long time, the games were stupid, you had to stand the whole time, there were a lot of loud, whiny kids that, like me were trying to figure things out. This was back when I was somewhat of an introvert, so loud people was not really my thing(still isn't really) I didn't really start doing anything until (again) my oldest sister, who had now moved out and gone to the Navy, gave the family an old computer that she no longer needed. Using dial-up the family would do their emails and my mother would write on there instead of the Word Processor she had before. My parents didn't want me to use the computer and instead forced me to go outside, or read a book, or something. This new technology couldn't be good for a young mind like mine. However, I am somewhat of a rebel(not because I live in Texas btw) and learned the dial-up password(this was in the days when you had to sign into the internet yourself) I tested it at midnight, and woke my brother up from all the dial-up sounds. He made me go back to bed, but I had the password! from then on I would sneak as much time as I could on there. My mother, being the wise old soul that she is, soon figured out that I was sneaking onto the computer. Of course, she thought I was looking at porn and such (that didn't come along till later) mainly because this was the time when the news stations were freaking out about how porn would kill the fertile minds of the youth of America. I just wanted to play games and learn everything I could about how it worked. But, my mother would hear none of it; she started by hiding essential(or so she thought) parts of the computer. Hide the keyboard? learn that there's an on-screen keyboard. Hide the mouse? learn keyboard shortcuts, that you can use the number pad to direct the pointer, and that tab comes in handy all the time. Hide the power cord? make a new one. Really, what I'm trying to say is that there really wasn't a way to keep my offline. But my mother tried her hardest. My father didn't really have an issue with it as long I wasn't on there all day. He also was the one who found me looking at porn when he came home early. "I clicked the wrong link" only worked the first time. The internet and I have had a long and tumultuous relationship. I've known the world without the web, but that's only because I wasn't allowed to know it until much later than most. Today, as you can see, I'm still trying to learn how things work. I'm way behind, and have a lot of catching up to do, but I'm not planning on stopping. As much fun as Reddit and all those meme sites are, I just ignore them (usually) and now I need to learn so much! But, unlike some, I want to learn. I want to know as much as I can! Right now it's just .js and such, but once I get those down enough, I don't plan on stopping there. As long as technology exists, there will always be something new to learn. So, sock it to me baby, I'm ready and willing!


Monday, March 10, 2014

Links to the past/Linux, Baby!

     In the grand wisdom that is Codecadamy, I did and also did not finish the JavaScript course. Turns out they have two courses, and the second one is only half way through by the end of the first one. So, that was slightly disheartening. I got over it in typical heroic fashion. I'm afraid I don't have much for y'all today. I was busy putting Crouton onto my Pixel. Gotta love that xfce sweetness. Now I have the Sublime text editor of awesome and Brackets for HTML/CSS because it does live preview. There's a Chrome ext. called Tailor, and it's a port of brackets, but I didn't have any success with it on ChromeOS. Then again, I'm on the dev channel, that might be why. So, that's what I was up to today. Getting all the things done. I did do some more .js, so that's a bonus. The first is a retrospective. I happened to see some of my code from a few months ago, and it was interesting to me in the ways the that the format had changed. I saw this:

var isEven = function(n)
    if (n % 2 === 0)
        return true;
        return false;

The way that I would do it(if I was to use an <if/else> and not a ternary operator) it would look like this:
var isEven = function(n){
         return true;
         return false;

I never realized hov spread out my code was. Yes, I know it acn be more compact, but this is the easiest way for me to read it.

     The other thing we have is this:

//using typeof in <for/in> loop to print what we want.

var languages = {
    english: "Hello!",
    french: "Bonjour!",
    notALanguage: 4,
    spanish: "Hola!"

// print hello in the 3 different languages
for (var i in languages){
    if(typeof languages[i]==="string"){

     How cool is that?? using a <for-in> loop and the <typeof> method, we're able to print out just what we want and ignore the rest. That could be super useful. Ok. Well kids, this a rather short post today, but fret not mein Kinder, ther will be plenty for you on Wednesday! See y'all!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Just Methodical Penguins

     Coffee! It happened! Olé! I've been making it a habit to not go to the coffee shop during the week and have a French press at home when I need the caffeine. However, getting out of the house on occasion is good for me. That's why I come to the coffee shop on Friday. It's good for everyone. I don't scare people/ get ridiculed because of my beard, I save money, I get to sleep longer, win-win really. I wear my +Jupiter Broadcasting  sweatshirt, (which will soon have a  matching shirt(whoo!)) and get things done! I've got a salad waiting for me when I need a break, I've had my coffee, I have Grooveshark (again. Such a creature of habit.) playing a Piano Guys playlist because I love the cellos and piano together, so it's time to plug in and plug away!

But first, a link: Seriously, it's just a good place to go when you need some info on . js, HTML, CSS, and of course Firefox and all those things that they do. Also, Persona. Seriously. Sign up, get the newsletter, it's just a good idea.


      So, (again)there isn't much to report on this front. Mainly I'm getting through things and reading a lot of the stuff on Mozilla. So, if you want some HTML for today, head over there and check out some of that stuff. It's always a good idea.


      Now onto methods. Yup. Moar methods! This time it's something that helps us with a lot of things. It's such a long list, just go here and they'll tell you everything. Here's an example of prototype with penguins!

// create a Penguin constructor here
function Penguin(name, numLegs){ = name;
    this.numLegs = numLegs;

// create a sayName method for Penguins here
Penguin.prototype.sayName = function(){
    console.log("Hi my name is " +;

// our test code
var theCaptain = new Penguin("Captain Cook", 2);

And that means that we can create as many penguins as we want! You can also inherit from another Method so that you only need to add to something instead of creating an entirely new one. Example:

// the original Animal class and sayName method
function Animal(name, numLegs) { = name;
    this.numLegs = numLegs;
Animal.prototype.sayName = function() {
    console.log("Hi my name is " +;

// define a Penguin class
function Pengiun(name){ name;
    this.numLegs = 2;

// set its prototype to be a new instance of Animal
Penguin.prototype = new Animal();
var tux = new Penguin("Tux");

     Notice on the first one that we had to say how many legs it had, but on the second one, we just have the name as a parameter, and the legs are always going to be two, because; well, penguins only have two legs. Unless they lost one to a seal, or something. We can also call tux with <sayName> and it'll do the whole script. Do this:


and you get this:

"Hi my name is Tux"

 The reason that happens is because we added it as a new Animal et voila! It does the magic.

     As an aside, this section was so full of bugs it that I am seriously going to need a walk. They just ignore the needs of their students and don't give a <censored> about anything. I'm just glad I'm almost done with them. At least in the .js and HTML area. That'll about for me folks. Don't forget to check out the Mozilla stuff. Seriously, tons of cool stuff over there. See y'all on Monday! If the lessons aren't TOO buggy, I should be celebrating the end of the course!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chippy Animation/New Method For You In There.

     Rejoice! There is HTML/CSS today! Olé!  I am here at the house up at way too early an hour for my liking, but I'm up and done with the necessities of the day, so let's get this going. You'll be happy to know that I'm listening to something else besides GrooveShark. I found some free ChipTunes albums thanks to MakeUseOf. They proved themselves worthy of my followingness. Followingness is now a word by the way. I didn't have any coffee today. Yet. So, if you see any grammar errors, blame it on that. I'll probably get a water later. 



     Animations! That's what we're working on today. It's a simple animation, really. We're just going to do model of the solar system. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be a cool scientific name that goes with that. Anyhoo, to start out with, it's just the sun and earth. I'll see if I can get more in there afterwards.

     The first new thing is this:

#earth {
     /* Style your earth */
     position: absolute;
     top: 25%;
     left: 25%;

The %'s make the image in the earth tag adhere to a grid. It's much easier to use the % when you just need something in a general area. You can still use the <px> method if you need more accuracy.
The next new thing is:

box-shadow: 0 0 64px 10px white;

That's a line of CSS. Box-shadow does pretty much what you would expect. It gives a shadow to any element that you want. Here's what Mozilla tells us about the box-shadow's parameters:

"1st <length>
Specifies the horizontal offset of the shadow. A positive value draws a shadow that is offset to the right of the box, a negative length to the left.
2nd <length>
Specifies the vertical offset of the shadow. A positive value offsets the shadow down, a negative one up.
3rd <length>
Specifies the blur radius. Negative values are not allowed. If the blur value is zero, the shadow’s edge is sharp. Otherwise, the larger the value, the more the shadow’s edge is blurred.
4th <length>
Specifies the spread distance. Positive values cause the shadow to expand in all directions by the specified radius. Negative values cause the shadow to contract."
The 4<length> also is the part that deals with brightness.

     You know things are about to get fun when the lesson starts off with this:

"The next couple of steps are going to be a little tricky, so hang in there."

Let's see what they're about to throw at us.

     The first thing we had to do was to surround the <img> tag with a div with the id "earth-orbit" I guess that means we're about to get some movement here! I was right! We have movement! Earth is spinning away because of webkit stuff. I won't really get into that right now, but it's pretty much what moves things around. To see the finished code/product plus a few planets, go here.  I'm pretty sure that they're going the wrong way, and I know that the scale for size and distance is off. I just did it for fun. 


Today, we get to deal with a new method called <hasOwnProperty> it gives back a boolean response as to what is in an element. Search for what you think is there, and it'll tell you. Example:

var myObj = {
    // finish myObj

console.log( myObj.hasOwnProperty('name') ); // should print true
console.log( myObj.hasOwnProperty('nickname') ); // should print false

This might seem stupid now, but when you're dealing with thousands of lines of code, where the object is more complex, or it's not easy to be sure, this is what you want. It'll tell you straight up!

And here we have a use-case in an <if/else> statement:

var suitcase = {
    shirt: "Hawaiian"

    console.log("You remembered to pack!");

So, as you can see, it's got quite a lot of good uses!
I've already gone over the <for> loop and I might have talked about the <for-in> loop? Not sure. Let me recapitulate: the <for-in> loop is like the <for> loop, but it's more simple. Here's a comparison:

The <for> loop that would print out the contents of an array:

var array = ["hey", 2, true,"dude"];

for (var i = 0; i<array.length; i++){

It's cycling through each element of the array, and printing it out to the console.

And here's a <for-in> loop doing the same thing:

var array = ["hey", 2, true,"dude"];

for (var i in array){
notice how less verbose it is.

Now, you might be thinking that having these two loops that are practically the same is just stupid. Why not just have one? Actually, if you look at the first loop, you'll notice that it has a specific end-point. It's only going to go as far as the end of the array, and when you're using it to do something else that needs a specific end-point, like creating a long list of numbers that doesn't crash, that would be the <for> loop. The <for-in> loop works better for these types of use-cases. Something where you're worried about the properties in an element and you need them printed out, numbered, or anything else you can think of.

     That'll about do for me today, folks! I had a lot of fun with this one! There was a lot of new stuff going on. I like new stuff. See y'all on Friday!


Monday, March 3, 2014

Lines of HTML/ Typeof For Your Noggin

In case you don't do much internet, you'll know that Texas got crazy ice and frozen stuff. Good thing I have no where to go! I'm going to stay inside and get some solid study time in! Also, I found out how to do lines! No, not cocaine, HTML! You just use <hr /> who knew! Well, obviously a lot of people do, so... I know now! yeah, that's better.

Heh. Lines.

Today's music is... Electro Chill. I know, not very informative, but that's pretty much what it is. Anyways, I'm cold. So, I'm going to make some coffee and get a sammich, or something and then I'm going to plug in and plug away!


      Today, we're doing fun with functions. I know; lame play on words. If you can even call it that. Blame the class. They're the ones that used it. AAANYhoo, Here's a little something for you:

/*Add a speak method to the Person constructor. Whenever speak is called, it should print "Hello!" to the console.*/

function Person(job, married) {
    this.job = job;
    this.married = married;
    // add a "speak" method to Person!
    this.speak = function(){

var user = new Person("Codecademy Student",false);

Now, here's the thing; not all of that code applies to what they wanted me to do, but I think I can point out where and why you need it. This code is called a Constructor and we have a Method inside of it. Notice that there is the new Peron and the user.speak. They just wanted me to add the speak part. The whole function applies to user, but when you call a specific section like user.speak, it doesn't matter what else you have wrong as long as what you're calling is correct. Everything else applies to the variable user, and if I was to call that and anything was wrong, I would get errors.

     Woah. That was crazy. I'm always amazed when I know what they're talking about in the lessons. I figured it out with the hint, and usually those things are no help at all. This time I got it! I'll count that as a victory for me.

     Well, that was just stupid. Apparently, the lesson has a bug, and the devs don't seem to care to fix it. The forum was filled with people that couldn't figure it out. So, I posted the working code that I found/figured out in the forum. Hopefully that'll help some people.  Definitely a WTF moment.

     And, last, but least, I leave with a new built-in operator. <typeof>  //angel voices
It's actually really helpful! Here's Mozilla's definition on it: "The typeof operator returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand." Basically, if you don't know what type of code you're dealing with, you use typeof, and there you go! it'll tell you!

     There you have it, folks! a whole bunch of .js. for your noggin. I'm still getting through the HTML. The only new thing I've learned is the <hr /> thing that makes a line. I'll see y'all on Wednesday! Hopefully the ice will be gone.
