Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Got Glomped!/.js Is Hard!

     It's a Wednesday here in my timezone, and that means I gotta pump out some juicy coding goodness. Also, that's the nerdiest thing I've said since.... yesterday. My gf sent me an HTML script that said she loved me. Yup we're nerdy. There should be a nerd pride parade! that would be so cool with blinking lights and whatnot! Maybe make the GPS route that we follow spell out NERD. *Ahem! ANYhoo... I'm actually at the coffee shop today. I know, it's not Friday! You're wasting gas! ACtually, I have to run errends when I'm done, so I thought: why not study at the coffee shop today? And that's what I'm doing. I switched back to the dev channel on my Pixel because the beta channel was getting laggy, so now that I have a smoother UX I'm happier. The music of choice today is "Programming Electric&Alternative" on Grooveshark. It's actually OK as long as they don't hit me with some Drake or similar stuff. Alright, I have my coffee at hand, my music going, it's time to plug in and plug away!


      So, on this front, we have Class and ID selectors. I love these guys; they make my day so much easier! I can now call things directly without worrying about disrupting something, and still have differences in something with the same tag as something else. Here's an exapmle:
<h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
<h3 class="standout">Classes and IDs in CSS</h3>
<p class="standout">Classes and IDs are super easy in CSS.
                                                  You're using them right now!</p>
<h3>Regular HTML Selectors</h3>

      Notice that there are tags with the same name,but they have <id> or <class> inside the tag, and those equal a name. So, the CSS side to this would look like this:
     Again, notice a few things that are different. There's the <#intro>, but then there's <.standout> tag the <id> tags get the<#> in front of their name, and the <class>  tags  get a period<.> in front of them.  You can have the same name for an <id> and a <class> and they won't interfere with each other. Why have the two different types of ways to call something specifically? I have no idea. They both work the same way. But I suppose I'll figure that out at some point.


      I swear... Every time I'm about to get the .js going stuff happens. It's already 6:02 PM here, and I'm just getting this part going. I got glomped by a friend that I hadn't seen in a while and I regret nothing. We had a great time catching up. I believe I made the right choice. I had a ball and now I'm scrambling to get some .js going. So, if this part of the post is skimpy, you know why. Also, I need to ramp up my .js times of studies. It's getting into the technical part, so I have to study twice as much to get what I'm being taught.
      Alright here we go. Still on constructors, sadly. They're really giving me the run-around. I just can't seem to memorize how to do this. I'm going to get it, it just isn't going to be easy. Right now, I'm working on this:

function Rectangle(height, width) {
  this.height = height;
  this.width = width;
  this.calcArea = function() {
      return this.height * this.width;

  function calcPerimeter(height, width){
      this.height = height;
      this.width = width;
      this.calcperimeter = function(){
          return this.height * 2 + this.width * 2;

var rex = new Rectangle(7,3);
var area = rex.calcArea();
var perimeter = rex.calcPerimeter();

I wrote the calcPerimeter Method, but I can't seem to call it right, or it's missing something... I don't know. Turns out I had a lot of fluff in there... Typical me, add too much junk. I need to get that under control! Here's the finished code:
function Rectangle(height, width) {
  this.height = height;
  this.width = width;
  this.calcArea = function() {
      return this.height * this.width;

this.calcPerimeter =function (){
    return this.height * 2 + this.width * 2;

var rex = new Rectangle(7,3);
var area = rex.calcArea();
var perimeter = rex.calcPerimeter();

Notice the much smaller addition that I added. Pretty much, I just got carried away and added those two lines that got deleted because they said use the code already there as a model, but they didn't mean everything. Well, now that I got that out of the way, I done! I shall see y'all on Friday! Unless I get glomped again, but I doubt it since I'll be at home. So... bye! 


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