Monday, February 17, 2014

Beautiful Weather/ Not A Walk In The Park

     It's a beautiful day here in Texas. I had to take a break from my studies and go for a walk to enjoy this gorgeous weather. One of my friends told me that Katie Herzig was giving all of her music away for free today. So, that's what I was listening to. It was pretty good. I actually got my studies on a roll today. So, this is actually going to go out on time! No coffee today. I'm awake enough from all the amazing weather. So, time to plug in and plug away!


      I've been doing HTML just long enough for that picture to make my eye twitch just a little. Ever since I started learning HTML I've been writing these posts in HTML and I'll get little error messages if a tag isn't closed, or something. So, I'm more perceptive to tags lately. Mainly because I don't like the error messages. I'm pretty sure that I don't really care for the <nth-child> tag when it comes to calling a specific element. I mean, what's wrong with class or id? Although, I suppose that maybe some tags can't have those in there. So, maybe that's when they're useful. Hopefully.
I earned a badge! Olé!


      JavaScript. So useful, and yet so daunting. I seriously need to start doing some real world applications to have some real knowledge under ye olde metaphorical belt. I have the most basic ideas of .js, but some of the more esoteric practices can be overtly foreign on such a frequent basis that the only way to retain knowledge is to do the lessons over and over and over and over... As long as it actually helps me attain something in the end, I suppose it's worth it. The code that I'm starting with today is pretty much just simple math. Which should be easy, except that it isn't always easier said than done

 If you want to do cool code snapshots like this, go here.  It's called Marmoset.
      Anyhoo, the age bit was OK. I just had to do an <if/else> statement. Although, I'm sure I could do a ternary operator and have it all done better. I'll try that next time I need an <if/else> statement.
Seriously, remembering the names to these things can be hard! I tried three different ways before I got this. Like I said. remembering things in .js is hard sometimes! Remembering all the operators and objects and whatnot. I'm going to eventually remember them all, but it isn't exactly a walk in the park. Not that anyone said it would be. OK. That's the end for today.
See y'all on Wednesday!


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