Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Headway/Nothin much.

     Well, I have a donut, a coffee, some random music, it's time to plug in and plug away.


     Nothing of any interest to report on this front.


      Hey, it's the .js time! I actually made some headway!  Olé!
I am still on Objects! What? Yup. Still working on ye olde Objects... BUT the good news, as I said, is that I made some headway! I finished a 33 section chapter today, and in the last section, I did in one try, and knew what I needed to do! So, yay for that! And now onward to the next ones. I am now working on this: var bob = {
    firstName: "Bobi",
    lastName: "Jones",
    phoneNumber: "(650) 777-7777",
    email: ""

var mary = {
    firstName: "Mark",
    lastName: "Johnson",
    phoneNumber: "(650) 888-8888",
    email: ""

var contacts = [bob, mary];

function printPerson(person) {
    console.log(person.firstName + " " + person.lastName);
var list = function(){};
var contactsLength=contacts.length;
for (var i = 0; i<contacts.length; i++){
Here's the thing, half of that code isn't needed. Like the array <contacts>, take it out and it still works just the same. Am I missing something here? I feel like I'm missing something here.

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