Friday, January 10, 2014

Badge Happy

     Stupid! That's what it is! When a lesson has a specific way that it wants you to do a line of code, and then DOESN'T tell you!
Let me show you:
var x =
var y =

//The ternary operator in action
result = x > y ? "good job" : 20;

//Rewrite the ternary code using if else statements
First I tried to use return, but that gave me some error messages, but then I tried this and it worked, but I didn't pass the lesson:
if (x>y){
   console.log("good job");
See the 'result' in the ternary operator? Turns out you need that instead of anything else, because; they feel like it. 
That's stupid. I understand using result, but they could have told me that....
I finished the conditionals section! Olé!

And Now I'm doing a dice game and using math. 
var die1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*6 + 1);
Math.Whoever created the math section in .js is hilarious! 
Today's post is brought to us by a nice latté and some Electric Light Orchestra. Time to plug in atd plug away!
I just got ridiculously happy, because; I finished a lesson with no errors and passed at the very first try! WHOO!!
 One of the really cool things that I like about having a forum, is that I can see how other people wrote their answers, and how they are different from mine. 
For instance, this is mine:
 // here we need to check if there are doubles.  If so, score should be
  // double the sum of the two dice
and this is someone else's:
// here we need to check if there are doubles. If so, score should be
// double the sum of the two dice

Personally speaking, I like what they did with the <if (die1===die2)> better than my <if (die1+die2%2===0)> their's is so much more simple! I should have thought of that...
Simplicity is what I'm trying to go for every time I write code. So, I'm now upset that I didn't do a better job at it. Oh well, next time I'll know.
Hopefully, they won't split each test into something like this: // Define a function named calculateTotalCosts 
// declare a variable fixedCosts the value of 5000
// have the function return fixedCosts

I can do that easily. why not have the text three things in the same page?
Ah well. See y'all Monday! 