I really do love Allen Stone's music.
So, the HTML, contrary to the JavaScript, is actually going quite nicely. After finishing the tables section about monsters, I'm on to <div> and <span> I've already been dealing with <div> for a little while. I saw it on here, and did some research and found out how useful it is. I love it! You can make colors apply to exactly where you want it to. I'm so familiar with <span>, but I'm pretty sure I can take a stab at what it means. I suppose I'll find out when I get to it. So, <span> gives you more finite control. Let me give you a visual demo:
Hello, my name is <div> and I make it so that when you hit enter things stay the same, but when I get
brought in
things get pushed around and there's not much you can do about it.See? I didn't put a <br /> tag in there or anything, that's just how it does things.
OK, let's try <span>:
Hello my name is <span> and I don't mess things up. So, When I get called, You barely notice.
The <span> is around the "I" in case you didn't notice. Sly, right? Indeed. OK. Back to business!
Well,I've been working away and now it looks as though I may need to have HTML/CSS as the header on this section. All done here for now!
Man. Today the .js has been winning instead of the other way around. I just don't know about this, man. I think I need to take a step back and maybe a few chapters as well. They're just brushing over things that I barely have even heard of! So, What I'm going to do, is go back a few chapters and reexamine them tomorrow. This won't upset my progress, because; I'll be where I am now by Friday. So, with that in mind, I'm going to finish what I'm working on now. I seriously did not like the debugging experience, but I know that it's a part of the process. So, just to clarify, I'm not discouraged, I just realize that I have so more to learn and need to reinforce certain areas. Which I think, is a good thing to do all the time anyways.
I am getting it to work! Which is where I'm going to end this! The coffee, by the by, was TERRIBLE and I am definitely getting something tomorrow better than what I found lingering in the cabinets. So, tomorrow, I have two things: One: get some good coffee beans from the coffee shop. Two: Analyze the last few chapters of .js. I'll report back on Friday! See y'all!!