Yup, a website! The coolest things that I learned shall be brought forth into the light of your computer! First up is opening something in a new tab. I love it when a website opens something that I might just be checking out, but isn't a main feature, in a new tab. What you put is this:
<a target = "_blank">
and that's it! It's super easy! And so freakin useful! Good thing I know about that now!
Next up is the redirect. If you want to show a warning, a statement, you don't want people to hang around, you use this! You set the time that the computer will wait, and then boom! Redirect!
<meta http-equiv = "Refresh" content = "12; url ="/>
The number '12' refers to how long you want the client to wait before they go to the url.
The next thing up is how to have a link go to a specific page on your website. Let's say you have a long article, and you want to be able to point out a certain area. Using this will open the link scrolled down to the area that you want them to see. You see this employed in FAQs and READMEs all the time.
You give the section you want to go to with a tag like this: <a name = "example_name">
And then to call it, you use tags like this: <a href ="Example_page#example_name">Example</a>
Also, a good place to see a lot of other tags is to go here and just cruise around. It's w3; if you don't know what that is, look it up. Definitely worth knowing.
I just looked at the HTML version of this article. That was cray cray. Turns out it IS a good idea to do the html title thing in HTML because then you don't end up with a looott of completely unnecessary spans and divs. Anyhoo, back to the subject at... mouse? Not too sure what to call it when it's online.
The only thing left is: the different ways to call CSS, because; there's more than one way to do that! crazy, right? But, instead of me telling you, I'll let this guy do a better job than I could!
SO! That's going to do it for today, folks. I know, no .js. But never fear! I shall have some! At some point. I'm working with the HTML right now, but the class will be bringing in .js and PHP and some other cool stuff, so don't go crazy. I'll have some when I get some. See y'all on Wednesday!