The design behind changing the font size is pretty simple; I just have to remember where the dashes and colons go. I like how they measure by pixels. That makes it easier to understand the size compared to millimeters or something similar. The
colors are pretty cool! I control the color spectrum! Mwahaha!
I suppose by the time I'm done this lesson I'm going to know a lot more font names than before. Background-color, font-size, font-family, so many fonts and colors!I just have to remember to put the quotation marks. Got a little bogged down on a lesson when I forgot about that.
Onward to JavaScript!!
So, Control Flow. Pretty much a fancy way to say you want a result for something. Usually for a specific set of somethings. Using "if/else else if" I'm figuring out if a number isNaN. Turns out isNaN is a thing. isNaN stands for: is not a number. Now to use it correctly. While that sounds easy, it can sometimes be hard to remember that isNaN is a negative statement. So, I have to think the reverse of what usually happens with variables and such.Loops are fun and everything, but remembering that I want to print the results to the console means that I need to call the loop inside the curly brackets.
Well, I think I'm done for the day. The lessons ended in switch statements, and we'll continue with that next time.
Now, that I have some HTML skills, I can put my name in the middle!! That's...something, right? See y'all!