Well, after having some issues getting my text to align on the center, turns out I needed to say text-align, not font-align, seems it depends on things. Not sure what those things are, but they're there. Anyhoo, back to the lesson at hand. So, as I'm sure all of us are aware, you need to make sure that when you write some code, spacing matters!! I can't believe I just spent seven minutes thinking I had the syntax of the code incorrectly laid out, when really, I just needed a space! I am so blind...
And now the internet is down. That's ironic. I come here, because; the wifi is better than what I have at my house, and now it's dead.
Aaaaand it's back.
OK, so, I'm dealing with tables now. Table data is pretty much cells and columns. I just created a single-column table. So, that's what you'll probably see on here at some point. Pretty much, once I learn something in HTML, I'm able to apply it to here.
These guys really like the monsters and super heroes and such. +1 for them! Here's an example:
<title>Table Time</title>
<table border="1px">
<td>King Kong</td>
<td>Bride of Frankenstein</td>
At first, I saw the year by Dracula backwards. I was like: Dracula is not my age! 1987, what? But then I saw that it was 1897 not 1987. It would seem I'm suffering from a mild case of dyslexia today.
Continuing with the whole Arrays and Objects things, I have been working on them in my lessons once again. This time I'm working on Object constructors. They're pretty much a way to assign things to an Object more easily. Here's an example for those that don't know what that looks like:var me = new Object();"Mookie";
The capitalization of the 'O' in Object is, as in everything in .js, quite important.
Today has been quite the adventure! I had to relocate after the HTML because life happened, butI was still able to get everything done. I'm very happy about the fart that I was able to work those arrays, and get the Objects and arrays working together.