Monday, January 27, 2014

Ye Olde Dragon Slayer

     Well, it's official. Tea cannot compare to coffee. I need my latté, man! On a happier note, I'm making good headway with the HTML5 stuff. The JavaScript is coming along nicely as well, I believe. I went with a different approach to the music. I'm listening to Georgian Orthodox chanting. I have no idea what they're saying, but it sounds nice. And this way I don't hear the chatter of the coffee shop. The wifi (once again) went out over the weekend. It's back, but I decided to come here for the more stable wifi. I don't want it going out while I'm working on stuff. So, now that I've got the chanting going, some Earl gray tea(the best thing after coffee) it's time to plug in and plug away!

     The HTML5 portion of my work was on ordered and un-ordered lists. Not anything groundbreaking, but I can see how it would be useful.
  1. It makes for effective understanding.
  2. It gets your point across.
  3. They're easy and fun to use.
  I think I'm going to start writing my posts in HTML so that I can be learning as I learn. Nifty and useful all at once! That's how I like it! So, now that I've had that revelation, it's onward to the JavaScript!


      The great dragon slaying game! Not too great of a dragon it would seem. The dragon's total health is four points. I suppose they don't want you to be there forever. Heh. console.log("You missed the dragon. We'll sing the song of your people at your funeral."); I thought that was a nice touch. I like it when they let you print what you want.
     I don't know why, but I seem to be dyslexic today. I keep spelling things like console incorrectly like conoles, or something similar. Yeesh. The folly of man would seem to be spelling things incorrectly. Not exactly something to have while trying to program which, as everyone knows, relies heavily on spelling correctly.
     Yay! I slew the dragon!
That's a of HTML around the image. It would seem it takes a lot to put the image there.

Anyhoo, I'm done for today! A lot was done, a lot was learned, a lot of knowledge now known. Onward to the next one! On Wednesday. See y'all then!