Monday, February 24, 2014

500, What?/Nothing Of Importance.

     It's Monday. Again. It keeps happening, man! No matter what I do, there's Monday! No-one gets away from Monday. I've had my coffee, but I'm still exhausted! I can barely keep my eyes open! I'll try to get this thing going quickly. Sound City is playing from G music. "From Can To Can't" is my favorite song in the album. Now, time to plug in and plug away!


      It seems that I've done 500 lessons! That's nifty. The lesson says I'm about 70% complete with HTML/CSS. Again, that's nifty. Really, I need to find out how to make a game with my new-found powers. Right now I'm working on positioning. Working with Margin, Padding, Border, and Content; you get abbreviations like 'TP' 'TM' 'TB' The 'T' stands for 'Top' the other are: 'Padding', 'Margin', and 'Border' respectably. I've already worked with margin somewhat, you have: auto, but you can also do something like:

div { 'margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 10px;}

Or, you can do:

div{margin:5px 10px 5px 10px;}

it's the same thing. You would use the first example when you're trying to specify less than all of the aspects of a tag's properties. Maybe just the left and the right, or something similar.
      You also have the same thing with Padding. You can also use negative positioning. Such as: div{margin-left:-20px;} instead of moving the object twenty pixel's worth to the right from the closest border, it would move it 20 pixels closer. Maybe even past it.
      Then there's float. You can move that left or right. Unfortunately, sometimes large floating elements get mixed with non-floating ones, and elements do end up on top of each other. To combat this, you use <clear> you can clear left, right, or both.
      If you don't specify an element's positioning type, it defaults to static. This is when you use <position>. You have absolute, which means that it's going to stay the same distance from its first parent element it has that doesn't have position: static. If there's no such element, the element with position: absolute gets positioned relative to <html>.
      Relative is another term, but also more straightforward: it tells the element to move relative to where it would have landed if it just had the default static positioning.
      Finally, we come to fixed positioning. Fixed anchors an element to the browser window; you can think of it as gluing the element to the screen. If you scroll up and down, the fixed element stays put even as other elements scroll past. Hipster websites loved that trick for while there.


      Nothing of importance to report on this one. I'm working away, but it's just reinforcement. I'll have more on Wednesday. See y'all then!


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